傭兵和武士在丹麥的第一份工作滿三年,前陣子透過獵人頭接到意想不到的工作邀請 — 丹麥的郵局 (*PostNord)。談完之後覺得很不錯,加上薪水也升高,所以就決定來上班了。上班一個月,和我過去的工作經驗相比,有很多新的感受。有一天走路的時候腦中自動總結出了這個想法:傭兵 vs 武士Sep 26Sep 26
用 ChatGPT 學上古程式語言從去年底開始,ChatGPT 在上線之後快速爆發式的成長,一時之間大家又開始炒 AI 取代人類的冷飯。AI 是否會取代人類?或是,AI 是否會取代我?我相信很多專業工作者在思考之後應該都很快就得到這個結論:我不會被 AI 取代我,但是我會被善用 AI 的人取代Sep 13, 2023Sep 13, 2023
丹麥 NO. 1 — 國家數位競爭力排名前幾天因緣際會知道了 IMD 世界數位競爭力這份報告,這是一份由 IMD World Competitiveness Center 發布的報告。之所以對這份報告有興趣,是因為驚訝地發現丹麥竟然是 2022 年數位競爭力第一名。我主觀感覺中,丹麥在 IT…Apr 22, 20231Apr 22, 20231
學會利用 AI 學習,然後去學得更快更多去年底 ChatGPT 發表後,世界再度陷入 AI 狂潮。我覺得有趣的是,科技議題多如牛毛,大多數議題只會打到極少極少的群眾,但人類集體卻對 AI 情有獨鍾。每當 AI 有新的突破,即使是完全外行的普通人,也都會饒富興味地看著。Apr 14, 20231Apr 14, 20231
AI accurately predicts fires in Borneo peatlands to help prevent future disastersThe most important idea of this article is that the neural network model developed by Aalto University can accurately predict the…Sep 12, 2022Sep 12, 2022
The New 3D printing method lets you create materials that sense their environmentArticle Link: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/08/220810161047.htmSep 11, 2022Sep 11, 2022
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researchers develop a method to train multiple agents to…Original Link: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/07/220725124120.htmSep 11, 2022Sep 11, 2022
OpenAI reduces the pricing of GPT-3 by 66%OpenAI, the nonprofit research company behind some of the world’s most advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, is reducing the pricing…Aug 28, 2022Aug 28, 2022
Mental Health Checklist for Tech WorkersWhen it comes to our mental health, it’s easy to feel like we’re invincible. We’re smart and dedicative, and we’re in a great field with a…Aug 16, 2022Aug 16, 2022
5 Tips for Beginners to Write Better Python CodePython is a versatile language that you can use on the backend, frontend, or full stack of a web application. Python is also relatively…Aug 16, 2022Aug 16, 2022